Hi, I'm Musical Memoirs. The memoirs that i write is one in the form of amateurish music, it's all based on my feelings, hope you enjoy. To use my music you should properly ask for it, if you plan to use it for making profit then give me an offer.

Eric van Dongen @Musical-Memoirs

Age 33, Male

making you happy

the Netherlands

Joined on 9/9/07

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Musical-Memoirs's News

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - April 22nd, 2011

the screen of my computer broke some time ago
we dont have any other screen so recording music my piano songs and writing music in fl studio is impossible now, gonna see how im gonna (temporary) fix it
one things for sure, when im gonna buy a new screen it will be a big one, when writing music its really comfortable to be able to see multiple things at the same time

i can still write music though
on my nintendo ds i have a homebrew application called nitrotracker which allows me to write music wherever i am (with wav files, so i can create classical too), on the imac of my dad is a program called garageband and i can use the tool used by the greatest composers in history, a piece of paper


currently advancing quite fast to new styles to play
for quite a while i have been trying to play in more styles but overall all the pieces that worked out best were overall all by playing broken chords with my right hand, now i finally successfully wrote some demos in a few more styles
was about time... i hate to stay too long in only one style of music while there are endless possibility in music

also my mind is getting more into music in time... im even getting ideas for huge works with beatiful buildups, though the ideas are in my head they are still way to hard to perform
currently i have two big projects quite far worked out in my mind already that are still too hard way to make into reality
1. a pirate song, still need to think about the instruments, thirst time i want to use quite amount of sound effects, need to make some pirate lyrics and then also find people with suitable voices for the crew
2. a marching orchestra (with a finale part that would probably waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of my league because of the complicity and because it requires a second hard piece), first of all it wont be really sounding like a marching orchestra when its not performed in reality, so its missing something from the start already, marching orchestras work a lot with drums and i suck at the use of drums, the molody in my head is still too simple for it to become something great

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - March 3rd, 2011


well ive been very busy lately and havent got the time to spend that much time at music, but almost all of my free time has been spend well on music
for the once who are interested i am going to keep things updated frequently at a very simple system, wanna know more then just ask
trying to keep every musical related activity in here that keeps me busy whenever i have the time and even when i dont have the time :P

i could upload some demos, but decided not to because they are all on too early phases in my opinion, so you have to do with some words only for quite some time now

(the priority levels are just to show where i spend most time on lately or plan to spend a lot of time on)
priority high:
- learning: greensleeves
- learning: the legend of zelda wind waker - farewell hyrule king (a piano version on an older soundtrack from the zelda series, the legend of zelda a link to the past - hyrule castle)
- practicing and sometimes making attempts to get a beautiful recording of my newest dark themed piano piece
- following my piano lessons
- checking out my new music library (which has gotten HUGE)

priority medium:
- learning: the legend of zelda ocarina of time - lost woods
- practicing a small new composition which is harder then i can currently play (half in my head, half written on the computer... only a small concept being able to play), cant explain the style and dont know any piece in the same style either
- starting new compositions and improvisations
- making future plans on how to live as a motivated composer/musician in a wold where its hard to earn a living in the music industries (and im too much a beginner too)
- learning: chopin- Prelude op. 28, 15 (a way too hard piece again, but i love the song so im trying some part of it)
- writing a piece for harpichord suported by some wind instruments (and maybe some other instruments)

priority low:
- download music from great composers (low because im taking a break now... i have downloaded way more then i have the time for anyway)
- checking the great amateur music here on newgrounds
- rewatching nodame cantabile (a japanese animation series about classical music, its great)
- keeping all the pieces i already learned in my memorie by frequently playing them
- learning music theories
- making all kinds of musical plans
- writing a guitar piece for some people i know who play the guitar... might be an original piece or some piece which i have written already and altered to be able to play on a guitar
- taking some ear training to learn to detect interfalls, notes and those thing by ear

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - January 18th, 2011

recently played ode an die freude and a very small part of fur elise from ludwig van beethoven on a simple handmade harp (or something like that) with just a lid of a small metal box and 1 rubber band only (its quite a long one)
tuning the rubber band was not that extreemly hard either (though it was not fully in tune and after playing a few minutes the rubber band was fully out of tune again)
might be fun to do again soon :P

about composing again...
i have been doing a dark piano piece for a while which is slowly getting bigger and bigger, could even record it already, but still want to continue further with it so i wont
started on orchestral piece lately that might be used as a simple game theme song or something like that (if things go well on it)
have a sad song i can go in many directions with and some oother smal projects
my current favorite i have is a very simple calm piano piece where i want to make an ambience piece from, i have lots of beautifully (yet most untested) ideas for it... i really want to continue on it... (its going to be my first real try in the ambient genre too, gonna be a bit classical too though)

one big problem... i dont have much time to spare lately :'(
a lot to do for school... which is important for a well paid job, which is important if i want to buy some new music instruments and lessons to properly play them... so i have to start learning again... >:(

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - January 2nd, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! (i know, im a little late)
hope you all survived the war on the streets (some of those illegal firework are even stronger then handgranades, only the shattering glass is missing in them)

to start this year fresh i deleted some old demos and songs i didnt like that much anymore, just as i announced, hope you all had the chance to download them before they were gone if you liked them (otherwise i can mail them by request)
but i didnt only delete stuff, i also uploaded a piano improvisation that i really love
you can find it HERE

to a happy and healthy newyear!

Musical Memoirs

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - November 29th, 2010

time flies... little more then a month and the new year has started
i want to start that new year a little cleaner again but its a bummer for the fans to see things they like disappear once again
so here is a warning, some old or crappy projects will be removed at the and of the year, if you like something you should download it soon (or you can request me to give you some deleted stuff after the removal)
if its going well then i will upload some new stuff on new year
i might change some pictures and redo some authors comments on my songs

so remember to download the stuff you like before they might be gone
(even though it doesnt necessarily mean that i wont continue on those deleted projects any more)


only a week now and i still havent finished up a song while i wanted to... i can upload a few improvisations without a problem, but i wanted to rewrite my improvisations into real songs first
i really want to start the year with a new song, so if i wont make it then it will be an improvisation then will be deleted after rewriting the song
and the pieces i wrote without improvising are way to short to make it a finished song)

now i have to choose which song to work on and which improvisation will be reserved for when i wont make it... i think i have the perfect improvisation (still sounds simple and amateurish though) laying on the wait as a new years entry already... (need to fix up the ending though, the ending makes you expect it to continue but instead it ends (or i can change the beginning, then i have a perfect loop)

!download them before they are gone!

hope you have a nice christmas,

Musical Memoirs

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - November 15th, 2010

Day after day, time passes by... Its eventually only a matter of time till the end.
My life is only at the start of the whole, at least I hope so, I'm still only 19 years old :P
Yet I see now already that I am going to be short on time, even winning the big lottery doesn't save me enough time to accomplish everything I want to learn, not even close.
Art is endless and life is way to short...

Every day my joy and motivation at art increases, but on the same time the realization that I can't learn anything in such short time from the infinity of art increases and makes me sad... it makes me want to stop going to school and loose my job to give me a bit more time, even though I know I will only get more problems if I would do so and it still wouldn't be enough anyway.
Its a bit depressing... My patience is running out... :(

Well, whatever, gonna have fun playing the piano now, bye X3


finally, i opened fl studio after quite a while :)
its not to compose something, but only to record 3 piano pieces i was busy with
then i decided to improvise something and that went really great, i just cant stop with the new thing i have in mind anymore, its such a nice and powerful theme...
so now i have 4 pieces i want to work into songs

hope to release them soon!!!
because i am quite proud about the results already, didnt think i would be so far in such short time

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - October 11th, 2010

after realizing how much alike moonlight sonata in style is with the demo i wrote for the game aftermath i decided to learn this great song... hopefully this will inspire me and give me the skills to make something better for that project
untill now it is going great, its an extremely hard piece for someone who has not even half a year of piano experience but i am amazed already how much of it i can already play... and if i succeed then i could learn a hell lot from it at playing the piano and hopefully about composing some dark themed music too
(only i need to practice more of the basics too instead of all of these 'way to hard pieces' that i am constantly trying to learn)

also i made a new start on a new dark theme for the game (not focused on the piano this time, but it does include some piano) still dont know if it would be useful but when i get the time to finish a demo of it i will show it right away

now i have to learn for my upcomming tests again :(
used up too many time on the piano then i should be already and if i want to pay all the instrument i am going to buy in the far future then a nice job would be a must...

while learning moonlight sonata i continuously try to put my new experience into aftermath
because of that i created a more creepy melody version already, only the song style stays the same, but the diversity and complicity is slowly increasing...
but i didnt really got to open fl studio in the last few days at all, so it stayed at piano pieces only for now :(

and i can almost play 1/3 of moonlight sonata (so thats around 2 minutes), its really a wonderful song, hope i can fully play it properly as soon as possible

i wanted a new icon and created this... but it doesnt look nice so small :(

learning moonlight sonata first movement :D

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - September 26th, 2010

i am here to say sorry... i havent been active a lot lately
i did have some other important things that kept my attention from my music like a brain surgery of my mother because she had two tumors there... but i had the time to do a little more then almost nothing...
and not only didnt i do things on newgrounds, also writing music went to a extreme minimum
the only thing that i havent forgot at all is practicing on the piano, i played a lot even though i practiced less then i used too, playing the piano made me relax when i was thinking too much about the risks of the surgery and the problems she might have to learn to live with

some time ago i decided that i would record most improvisation i make (which i did as much as possible)
because i did play a lot and got some better again, there have been some fun results
i will upload some of these improvisations later, i have one that doesnt need any editing at all so i might upload it today already (it still sucks when you want to hear a skilled song)
my other improvisation need to cut before i will upload them (too many long parts that doesnt sounds good at all) or need to be rewritten into a real song and gets redone (because the have good elements but the rest of it sounds terrible)... and some suck so much that they dont have any potential at all of course

also i have finally progressed again (or better said, scrapped the whole idea and started again) on the game music project AFTERMATH organized by up-a-notch
decided to make something mainly on the piano and then adding strings and other instruments to it (even though its only 3 months and a few weeks that i have been playing the piano, so looking at my skills maybe not that smart)
until now it is going great, only its now still way too long (on purpose though) and repetitive, also i havent started on adding the strings yet because the main melody on the piano needs to be done before that (might need to rewrite some parts and play them over again)
going to take a small piece from that one to upload it today

surgery went quite well except that she got speaking problems after it and she still need radiotherapy though... and only after that we will know if she will be permanently blind on one eye

now you guys know whats going on again...
hope my extremely amateurish improvisations doesnt bother you, but i will probably delete them in the far future anyway if they dont get popular

Musical Memoirs (kill4peace, last time i will place my old name on any post)


i added 2 new songs...
a demo of a sountrack for a game (mentioned above)
and a stupid improvisation (i cant really seriously say i like it but i dont dislike it either, its funny but unskillful)

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - August 26th, 2010

after a lot of thinking i finally decided to make my final decision fast to change my artist name... was busy thinking about it for waaaaaaaaaay too long

my new name is:
Musical Memoirs
and i used to be:

i wanted something that fits me, that shows that my music is mostly based on my past or present feelings (not some random shit)... and i believe this name does that
i havent found anyone who uses this name except for someone who named her album like that (that is going to get irritating since google searches would probably only result into the album of that person till i get some more fans) so it is still original as an artist name i believe

even though my name changed i am still on the exact same account
i requested Luis to change my name so that i didnt have to make a whole new account for it
thanks Luis!!! i am really happy with this, even though im still not used to this name yet :P

Musical Memoirs (kill4peace)

check out my piano improvisation...
why? because im asking you if i should upload more of these crappy improvisations...
i dont have a lot of time to write songs lately, but my piano practice doesnt stop no matter how less time i got left... while practicing some already existing pieces it can happen that i suddenly want to improvise something (which costs not much time anyway) and since i record most of my improvisations i have some reasonable recordings already that i could upload... but i dont think you guys are waiting to hear every crappy thing i make...

so please tell me!!!
should i upload more improvisations or shall i wait till i got some bigger projects?
if i upload some of my improvisations then i stay active no matter what... if i wait for bigger projects then it can take a while longer till there are some new songs again)

can you find the answer of the hidden message in my header? (there really is a hidden message)
post your answer in my news post to check if you found it and dont tell the people the trick to it

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - July 18th, 2010

Aftermath - my first collab
thats right... some guy found my music and asked me if i could make custom classical music for his idea for a game collab
since i really hope it will and up as something cool i am asking you to check the link in this post!!!
he still needs some people in his collab, so if you think you can help out then please send up-a-notch a PM
any game/movie can become great with the right music... hope i am good enough for it!!!
i will update on this project later when i have more information


finally got some inspiration again and if it works out then i might have a nice idea for the music too... but that idea might be a little hard so im thinking it over a little
i can better wait a little for the storing following music since its story is going to be told in cut scenes, but dont know enough about what is going to be in those cut scenes, i know almost nothing more then the details on the news post from up-a-notch


you have some project you like me to make music for too?
send me a notice and who knows, for now i will be busy with some scores for this game and my normal projects and playing the piano