Hi, I'm Musical Memoirs. The memoirs that i write is one in the form of amateurish music, it's all based on my feelings, hope you enjoy. To use my music you should properly ask for it, if you plan to use it for making profit then give me an offer.

Eric van Dongen @Musical-Memoirs

Age 33, Male

making you happy

the Netherlands

Joined on 9/9/07

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1,160 / 1,350
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Musical-Memoirs's News

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - July 8th, 2010

as i see the chances very low for having a flash artist to come around on my page and think about requesting some custom music for his/her flashes i have thought of some different approach...
i have watched some movies before that uses electronic styled music to support the flash, while i have always liked orchestral music better when its about background music for flashes (not with every movie though)
my idea is to search for decent flashes and then make a fitting orchestral song for it, when i have finished it i will ask the flash author what he thinks about the custom made music on the hope he will change the songs in the flash for me
it will take a lot of work for something that might not get accepted by the artist, but at least it will be a great experience to make a song fit to a story you see on screen

now i am requesting you (yes you!) to help me out finding flashes, or if you are a flash artist you can just ask my help directly
i am looking for decent flashes (i prefer movies because it has a story fixed to a time line, so you dont need to look for games) that have electronical styled music or something like that (or has no music at all), that could really use some orchestral music to support the flash
so do you know some flash you wish to have better music? please send me a notice, i will try to make some custom music and if it works out i will try to convince the artist by letting him hear what i made
your help will really be appreciated, i really want to experience how it is to make custom made music... i only hope it isnt too early for me to do that, but i will notice that soon enough when i give it a shot!

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - July 3rd, 2010

yay, im 19 now :P
want to give me a birthday present?
a review on any of my songs or drawings is enough to make me happy XD
also could you please recommend me for the art portal... i have still not been scouted yet... :(

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - June 26th, 2010

hey... i have something new again
i now have some cool drums and a few other small things :P
my future songs will probably made with those drums
with those drums i can make a very nice variety of beautiful music...
and i am currently testing them out... i have a 14 seconds drum loop at the moment that i might make into a whole drum only song :P (something totally new again)

just love those african guys with their drums, most of the cool drums are from africa
but i also have some other cool percussion now from other places like some eastern percussion (like gongs and taiko drums) but also the very funny sounding talking drums and tablas
there are some very cool drums around the world! soon you will hear some of them in my songs


im asking you again to recommend me for the art portal... i could really use some advice and criticism on my two hand drawings (that other thing is noted as a sketch and will not be included in the art portal if thats restricting you guys to not scout me)

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - June 24th, 2010

its been a few weeks already that i have my piano and have had 3 piano lessons so far and i think its progressing quite well!!!
i have played a lot of hours each day already and notice the improvements almost each day
even though i am still a beginner who cant play even one nice song properly yet, i still tried to improvise something one day... that improvised piece is recorded and now i am trying to write a song out of that improvisation (too bad that i didnt record my other improvisations on this piece too since my latest one had a really cool part that i forgot before i could write it down), it looks like it might become quite a nice song if i continue on this piece... only i wont upload a flstudio version of this (like i did on the 2 piano demos that i already uploaded quite long ago when i didnt have a piano yet), i will continue till i can play it myself so i can record a live played version...
that will mean that even though my ideas might be finished soon it could still take very long till you guys hear anything of the song because i need to learn it and before that i need learn how to play the piano better

hope i can make something nice from it
for now i have 1 minute of beginners improvisation that might be useful and 2x 15 seconds of music i wrote from it
i still have a lot of possibilities with it in melody but also in style (tried quite some different styles already but i cant choose, some styles could be mixed, but the style of my recording does not go well with a few of the other styles i tried for this idea)
so who knows how it will turn out

btw... i decided to update you more frequently on the things i do in my news posts

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - June 16th, 2010

while being busy learning to play the piano i decided that it was time again to take my pencil and paper and just draw a landscape again
i havent draw much yet and i dont get help from anyone so i am quite inexperienced at drawing
even though i am not that great yet, i do get quite some comments that my drawing look really cool from family and friends... now im wondering, do you like it too?
and also, if you have any tips, please give them, it would help a lot on improving my drawing skills!!!

could you also scout me for the art portal, then more people will find my work and makes my chances on critics rise, which helps me a lot to improve
so if you like this or want me to get better, then i would appreciate it if you leave a comment / scout me
hope you like my drawings because more pencil and paper drawing (probably of landscapes) are going to come along with my music


my mountain landscape


uploaded another (still unfinished) drawing...
my woodland lanscape

check my art!!!

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - June 2nd, 2010

YAY!!! i finnaly got one!!!
i am now the owner of a casio privia px-130
the piano is good, only my skills are still the main problem
with zero experience at piano (or keyboard) playing its hard to do a thing XD
but next tuesday i have my first piano lesson and i will practice a lot
one day you will hear me play some songs i composed (i wont record music that i have not composed myself)
gonna do a lot with it!!! it plays like a piano, but also has the options of a keyboard, by connecting it with my computer i can play any instrument i have on my computer too XD (but my main purpose is playing piano compositions with it and compose some)

YAY x3


just had my first piano lesson... and it was great!!!
i really think that if i practice the exercises he gives me enough i will be able to learn this quite fast (still gonna take long before i will be able to play properly though... but at least its faster then trying to learn it myself without any help)
i am super motivated!!!

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - May 29th, 2010

im working hard on another orchestral song!!!
its a song that makes you feel like its in the middle ages and a massive army is coming closer and closer, knowing that the odds of survival is low against such an army you wait while being scared of death till the army arrives at the castle you have to defend with your men... (at least thats what it makes me feel and my intention is to make you feel that too)
i still dont fully know where i want it to go to yet... at the moment i only have 30 seconds and a few small ideas, so a lot of work is needed... but at least i make the army approach, then ill see if i make a battlefield theme of the second part
hope i can post the song quite soon or at least a demo (its still i a way too early stage to post a demo of it)

not much came from my intentions of working on the demos i already have... i still plan on working on them soon... its just that my inspiration makes me want to start new project instead of working on older ones

for now you should listen to my other songs and check back later


~K4P~ 31 - orchestral demo 3
i made a 50 seconds demo... hope you like it, advise is appreciated

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - May 1st, 2010

my focus on electronical music is over
i will still do some trance / dance or whatever type of electronical songs
but i am gonna focus on the beautiful real existing instruments and my compositions will be aimed at being classical (movie soundtrack) songs
and once i have learned that a little and have started learning to play the piano i will try to compose music i can play together with my brother who plays guitar
i love a very wide range of music and i want to try out a lot of different type of songs

i have lots of ideas that i want to try out... too bad most ideas wont work out because the ideas are not good enough or i wont have the skills to make my ideas reality

as a start i have a song for you to listen to
~K4P~ 29 - Approaching (demo)

a second orchestral demo is made already
~K4P~ 30 - orchestral demo 2

Posted by Musical-Memoirs - March 12th, 2010

This is the 2nd time a song of mine reaches the top 30 in the "Best Tracks Ever / All-time Top Scoring!" listing.
it started with ~K4P~ 17 Without Understanding at the number 15 of 30.
Now i have ~K4P~ 07 - Spirit Rain at the 23th place.
Can it get any crazier then this?

It seems people really start to see me as a true artist with a lot of skill... but they are simply wrong!
I really don't believe my songs deserve such big titles...
I like to listen to some of my projects, but its still beginners work.
When I have bought a piano and take lessons then when i get a better feeling for music and its at least a few years later, then i believe I might be skilled enough to deserve in such a list.
I found a lot of very great artists on this site who deserve it more to be in the high listings...
but still, I'm very surprised and happy that there are some guys who really seem to enjoy the results of my hobbies, its just so wonderful to make and enjoy art!

Hope I inspire some small artists or just some listeners with my creations. Its just a wonderful experience to create art and everyone has the ability to create art. Art can be simple and cheap, it simply depends on what you do. Everyone has different interpretations of art, I know that, but in all interpretations its something wonderful. Its something that may really make other people admire you for what you do. So stand up, and do something. if you want some cheap and simple art that anyone can (learn to) make, then take a piece of paper and maybe some tools and check some sites like youtube for ideas and do something great with it, its easy, fun and cheap. Art usually take long, but it results into things you and others can enjoy for a long time too, its really worth the time!

I hope you guys like my music.
I personally recommend you to listen to projects 07, 17, 22 and 23.
Gonna make some more soon.

Thanks for all the support and reviews,
hopefully i see a review pop up soon with your name on it.


Posted by Musical-Memoirs - January 17th, 2010

i have been thinking quite some time about this...
and finally i decided
its certain... i am going to buy a digital piano

(not a keyboard, a keyboard is a lot cheaper and can be used easier when i combine it with flstudio... but it is not made for real classical piano playing...
a digital piano is a combination of a keyboard and a piano... which makes it more like a piano while it has the options of a keyboard too)

things i have done already to make sure what i want:
went to a music store
checked pianos, keyboard and digital pianos online
decided which of the 3 would be the best to buy in my situation (digital piano)
tried to compose some piano songs
learned the basics of reading notes
tested out a program for creating sheets
checked out some piano songs on newgrounds and piano music elsewhere
checked out some online music lessons to get a idea what i can learn (even though i wont follow those online lessons when i have my piano...)

things i will do:
check out which digital piano to buy
buy a digital piano
take private piano lessons
practice a lot
compose piano music
play my own composed music live
upload the songs i created
make sheets of my songs to spread my love for music
look for great piano songs to learn
ask some newgrounds piano composers if i may have sheets or something so i can play their songs

hope you like piano music...
because you can at least expect that 90% of all my future songs are piano songs or have at least piano mixed in them


sometimes i delete some old projects/demos i dont like anymore...
download everything you like from me before i delete them
if you like one enough to want to make it stay on newgrounds... favorite and review it
because popular songs and projects i like have an extremely low chance of being deleted in the future
and if you are a flash artist or promote one to use a song of mine in his/her flash... then i wont delete it at all