Heh, I got into summer vacation around the 8th...so I'm rollling in free time!
Take ur time.
Hi, I'm Musical Memoirs. The memoirs that i write is one in the form of amateurish music, it's all based on my feelings, hope you enjoy. To use my music you should properly ask for it, if you plan to use it for making profit then give me an offer.
Age 33, Male
making you happy
the Netherlands
Joined on 9/9/07
Heh, I got into summer vacation around the 8th...so I'm rollling in free time!
Take ur time.
im quite impatient when it comes to music... i dont have the patience to wait till im better to learn the hard pieces either...
trying to learn libestraume 3 from liszt too... way to early for such a hard piece (yet im doing quite well i think)
For me, learning how to play something isn't really that hard, but that's because I know that the piece I'm choosing to learn is always at my skill level or just beyond it.
~Just so that you can somewhat get a picture what I'm at, check out
Maple Leaf Ragtime---Scot Joplin
Nit extremely hard, considering it follows a basic Ragtime pace....just the speed is what I'm worried about....it'll get done in time :D
can't wait to here a masterpiece from one of my favorite persons on the web!!
you have to wait a little bit longer then... didnt think about a few things when i placed this post... because im a bit at busy times
though summer vacation is getting close, in 2 weeks i have a hell lot more then then i have now
so im going to have a lot of time soon though :D
maybe ill record something earlier... but the next two days is not going to be posibble
sorry :(