hey fans and random visitors
in my last news post i said already that im making a kirby remix
back then i didnt think it would work out in the end... but now i have a lot of motivation and inspiration so if you wont see any new songs for a while then it means that im still busy on it (it is now one of the biggest projects already... while im not far at all)
it will take extreemly long to finish this but i hope to release my first version in a few weeks
this is the song im going to remix:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8LKB7H D5PU
the first 29 seconds are deffinitle be in it and if it works out then i will use the whole melody
hope you like kirby as much as i do :P
its going well!!!
i used the whole melody already and now i found someone else with a remix wich has a different great fitting melody in it too
i will base a little on his song... so im trying to recreate that melody too (only his does not have the whole melody of the original wich i do... so mine will still be original :P and better)
my driving lessons are (fun but) a pain in the ass...
being away from morning till evening...
wich means im not so far as i planned
i have 60% off the song structure finished
40% at the beat
10% at the sound quality
in other words a lot to do :(