damn my study consumes a lot of time...
i feel like i have no time left to do other stuff anymore (though there still is, but i just simply want to do way more stuff then is possible within a day)
though i shouldnt since my study is already hard, i decided to do a bit more things at music again... though i probably wont be able to spend as much time at music as i used to (else i risk everything again) i will put more effort in music again
i finally started writing sheets and to begin with i started with one of my favorite pieces that im still writing and decided to do it the way it had to be done in the past, by hand
(it would be faster to let a program translate a recording and then correct the mistakes, but i need to be able to do without and its quite a learn full way to think about how to express my ideas on paper)
i can read music, but i never knew that writing music on paper could be quite difficult
i always write on feel so my rithms can become more complex then i expected them to be (if i would have to play a piece alike in my piano lessons it would probably take quite a long while before i would figured it out and to be able to play the piece
its a piece in 4/4 but with whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, 1/8 notes, 3/8 notes, 3/4 notes... in other words nearly all note lengths (except for the smaller ones) are currently used already... speed and volume changes are everywhere... so this is going to keep me busy for quite a while (after finishing i will also upload the sheets to enable other to learn my pieces)
Hmmm well its obvious that you Are Very busy, but its great that your So passionate about music. Inspiring others can feel like such an acomplishment & when it comes to music Many ppl get inspired by it. So, keep up the good work follow your dreams & remember you are what you do :D Have a good one!
P.S PM me if ya wanna Chat some time, or even just check out my page! :D